The Corporate Services Division strives to service the operational directorates of the Commission in order to ensure that they operate up to strength, are properly equipped and fully trained. It works in close collaboration with the other divisions of the Commission. It is responsible for providing support services to enable the Commission to undertake its statutory functions. Services provided include administration, security, financial, information management and technology, human resources and procurement.

The main objectives of the Division are to:

  • develop and implement appropriate infrastructure which supports the Commission’s mandate;
  • develop the conducive environment that supports our people to strive for continuous improvement;
  • establish governance structures that manage risks and monitor performance against goals,
  • provide a safe and productive workplace.

Human Resource Unit 

The Human Resource Section strives to bring out the key values of trust, care, teamwork, encouragement and development which promote the ICAC’s basic principle of being an exemplary employer. The aim of the Human Resource Section is to foster such an environment where staffs are motivated, developed and managed in a way where they can give their best support to their respective departments’ missions.

Human Resource planning is a regular exercise conducted to forecast the short and long term needs of the institution. Human resource planning gives an early indication of retention, difficulties, surpluses or deficiencies in certain key areas of responsibilities which enable the organization to better plan for continuity of services 

IT Unit

The IT Unit was created in January 2009. The Unit is under the responsibility of the Director of Corporate Services.

Since its early days, the ICAC has invested heavily in IT equipment in view of the importance of digital information as a vital resource that may be analysed and shared for management decision-making.

With an IT-minded top management ICAC has embarked on an ambitious project of computerization of its core activities which would be accessible to the personnel through the latest technology. The IT park is comprised of high end servers, backup servers and SAN storage, along with all security equipment including centralized anti-virus. 

Finance Unit 

Within the framework of accountability, the finances of the ICAC derived from the Consolidated Fund, have been applied in a consistent manner. The Finance Section also provides the Commission strategic information to monitor performance and to ensure that value for money is obtained.  Furthermore, in the context of the accountability framework of the Parliamentary Committee, the staff of the Section has assisted the Commission in the preparation of management accounts and the assessment of the budgetary requirements of all the divisions.

Procurement Unit 

The procurement function is governed by the Financial and Procurement Manual of ICAC, which uses best practices which are in line with the Public Procurement Act 2006.

As an agency mandated to review the procurement procedures of public bodies, ICAC has set up transparent procurement procedures.  The guiding principle for a sound procurement is to achieve value for money through competition.  This principle is reflected in the procurement procedures for the ICAC.

Support Services

The Human Resource, Finance and Procurement Sections have clearly defined roles within the Corporate Services Division. However, the specificity of the ICAC is such that there are a number of critical functions which cannot be attributed to the abovementioned sections. Such functions, inter alia, include assets management, fleet management, repair and maintenance of electrical, telephone, plumbing and data network and contract management. These functions have been placed under the supervision of the Support Services Section.