Code of Conduct for Councillors

Councillors have a number of different functions that impact upon and influence the interests of the whole city, town or district councils and those of their constituents. They play a vital leadership role in creating and implementing their community’s vision and strategic direction. Consequently, they are expected to maintain the highest standard of conduct in their interactions with staff, the business community, other public officials and members of the public. They should be, and be seen to be, honest, impartial and act in a professional manner at all times.

This code of conduct is an important tool to guide the conduct of Councillors towards good practices. The Local Government Act 2011 empowers the Minister of Local Government after consultation with Local Authorities, and such other persons as he thinks fit, to issue a Code of Conduct for Councillors, which he shall cause to be published in the Gazette.

This code of conduct is the output of the fruitful collaboration of the Ministry of Local Government, Association of Urban Authorities, Association of District Councils and Chief Executives of different Local Authorities. It comprises practical guidelines that Councillors are called upon to embrace in their daily duties. The adoption of a code is a necessary step in ensuring that business is conducted with integrity, dedication and professionalism. It is also an effective way to remind
decision makers of their public duties as well as their legal and ethical responsibilities.

The purpose of this code is to provide Councillors with the basic principles that need to be adhered to in their day-to-day duties. It is hoped that this code will guide Councillors in their endeavour to uphold high standards of ethical behaviour in the management of the Council.

Implementation and monitoring compliance to the code will rest with the Ethics Committees.

The ICAC and the Ministry of Local Government look forward to the willingness and commitment of Councillors for the effective implementation of this code and their contribution in reinforcing standards and service delivery within an integrity framework.

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